About Us

About Us

Gaffar Packaging Ltd is a family-owned business and has been a trusted provider of packaging in the UK since 1981. With over 40 years of experience, we source quality products from our extensive global network, offering a diverse and ever-increasing product range. Our packaging products are designed to meet the demands of various sectors, with a focus on delivering quality and environmental sustainability. We can also customise our products to meet customer individual needs. Being in Leicester, East Midlands, our location gives us easy access to distribute around the United Kingdom, offering a reliable and fast delivery service. Our dedication to long-term relationships guarantees our customers with competitive prices, reliability, and an efficient service. With us, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a reliable packaging partner for all your needs.


At Gaffar Packaging we are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint to show our commitment to sustainability and help protect the environment. We do this by using eco-friendly materials, reducing packaging waste, and optimising our supply chain. Furthermore, alongside our partners we also incorporate sustainable practices into our manufacturing processes by reducing energy and using renewable sources. This allows us to significantly reduce the impact of our packaging on the environment. We aim to use lighter packaging materials and eco-friendly shipping such as electric vehicles to help reduce our carbon footprint by minimizing the amount of fuel needed to transport our products.


Located in The Midlands, we oprate with a combined space of 64,000+ sq. ft. This enables us to maintain stock levels for thousands of products at any given time.


Our distribution network enables us to reach customers across the country, allowing us to offer nationwide delivery within 24 hours.

Our Mission

To expedite the conversion of sustainable packaging​

“Packaging can be theater, it can create a story”

Steve Jobs

communication is key

personal service

making a start

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get to know each other

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understanding your rights

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determining your goals

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client satisfaction
Accepted Cases
Success Rate

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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what do you need?

we work hard
in all fields

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gun crimes

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drug crimes

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"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol

our team of experts are here for you

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